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The Top 10 Tech Trends In 2022 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

As a futurist, every year, I look ahead and predict the key tech trends that will shape the next few months. There are so many innovations and breakthroughs happening right now, and I can’t wait to see how they help to transform business and society in 2022.

Let’s take a look at my list of key tech trends that everyone should be ready for, starting today.

1. Computing Power

What makes a supercomputer so super? Can it leap tall buildings in a single bound or protect the rights of the innocent? The truth is a bit more mundane. Supercomputers can process complex calculations very quickly.

As it turns out, that’s the secret behind computing power. It all comes down to how fast a machine can perform an operation. Everything a computer does breaks down into math. Your computer’s processor interprets any command you execute as a series of math problems. Faster processors can handle more calculations per second than slower ones, and they’re also better at handling really tough calculations.

Within your computer’s CPU is an electronic clock. The clock’s job is to create a series of electrical pulses at regular intervals. This allows the computer to synchronize all its components and it determines the speed at which the computer can pull data from its memory and perform calculations.

When you talk about how many gigahertz your processor has, you’re really talking about clock speed. The number refers to how many electrical pulses your CPU sends out each second. A 3.2 gigahertz processor sends out around 3.2 billion pulses each second. While it’s possible to push some processors to speeds faster than their advertised limits — a process called overclocking — eventually a clock will hit its limit and will go no faster.

As of March 2010, the record for processing power goes to a Cray XT5 computer called Jaguar. The Jaguar supercomputer can process up to 2.3 quadrillion calculations per second [source: National Center for Computational Sciences].

Computer performance can also be measured in floating-point operations per second, or flops. Current desktop computers have processors that can handle billions of floating-point operations per second, or gigaflops. Computers with multiple processors have an advantage over single-processor machines, because each processor core can handle a certain number of calculations per second. Multiple-core processors increase computing power while using less electricity [source: Intel]

Even fast computers can take years to complete certain tasks. Finding two prime factors of a very large number is a difficult task for most computers. First, the computer must determine the factors of the large number. Then, the computer must determine if the factors are prime numbers. For incredibly large numbers, this is a laborious task. The calculations can take a computer many years to complete.

Future computers may find such a task relatively simple. A working quantum computer of sufficient power could calculate factors in parallel and then provide the most likely answer in just a few moments. However, quantum computers have their own challenges and wouldn’t be suitable for all computing tasks, but they could reshape the way we think of computing power.

2. Smarter Devices

Smart devices are interactive electronic gadgets that understand simple commands sent by users and help in daily activities. Some of the most commonly used smart devices are smartphones, tablets, phablets, smartwatches, smart glasses and other personal electronics. While many smart devices are small, portable personal electronics, they are in fact defined by their ability to connect to a network to share and interact remotely. Many TV sets and refrigerators are also therefore considered smart devices.

3. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers. 

Today, IBM Quantum makes real quantum hardware — a tool scientists only began to imagine three decades ago — available to thousands of developers. Our engineers deliver ever-more-powerful superconducting quantum processors at regular intervals, building toward the quantum computing speed and capacity necessary to change the world. 

These machines are very different from the classical computers that have been around for more than half a century. Here’s a primer on this transformative technology.

For some problems, supercomputers aren’t that super.

When scientists and engineers encounter difficult problems, they turn to supercomputers. These are very large classical computers, often with thousands of classical CPU and GPU cores. However, even supercomputers struggle to solve certain kinds of problems.

If a supercomputer gets stumped, that’s probably because the big classical machine was asked to solve a problem with a high degree of complexity. When classical computers fail, it’s often due to complexity

Complex problems are problems with lots of variables interacting in complicated ways. Modeling the behavior of individual atoms in a molecule is a complex problem, because of all the different electrons interacting with one another. Sorting out the ideal routes for a few hundred tankers in a global shipping network is complex too. 

4. Datafication

Datafication refers to the collective tools, technologies and processes used to transform an organization to a data-driven enterprise. This buzzword describes an organizational trend of defining the key to core business operations through a global reliance on data and its related infrastructure.

Datafication is also known as datafy. An organization that implements datafication is said to be datafied.

Organizations require data and extract knowledge and information to perform critical business processes. An organization also uses data for decision making, strategies and other key objectives. Datafication entails that in a modern data-oriented landscape, an organization’s survival is contingent on total control over the storage, extraction, manipulation and extraction of data and associated information.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

As a whole, artificial intelligence contains many subfields, including:

  • Machine learning automates analytical model building. It uses methods from neural networks, statistics, operations research and physics to find hidden insights in data without being explicitly programmed where to look or what to conclude.
  • A neural network is a kind of machine learning inspired by the workings of the human brain. It’s a computing system made up of interconnected units (like neurons) that processes information by responding to external inputs, relaying information between each unit. The process requires multiple passes at the data to find connections and derive meaning from undefined data.
  • Deep learning uses huge neural networks with many layers of processing units, taking advantage of advances in computing power and improved training techniques to learn complex patterns in large amounts of data. Common applications include image and speech recognition.
  • Computer vision relies on pattern recognition and deep learning to recognize what’s in a picture or video. When machines can process, analyze and understand images, they can capture images or videos in real time and interpret their surroundings.
  • Natural language processing is the ability of computers to analyze, understand and generate human language, including speech. The next stage of NLP is natural language interaction, which allows humans to communicate with computers using normal, everyday language to perform tasks.

Does AWS offer a backend as a service?

A majority of organizations are transforming to cloud-based models to enhance user productivity, facilitate a mobile workforce, and obtain an ROI by decreasing the burden of managing IT resources.

Cloud-based models like Amazon Web Services with Backend-as-a-Service (AWS Amplify) are allowing businesses across the globe to stay both current and competitive.

What is a Backend-as-a-Service?

Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a cloud service model in which developers outsource all the behind-the-scenes aspects of a web or mobile application so that they only have to write and maintain the frontend. BaaS vendors provide pre-written software for activities that take place on servers, such as user authentication, database management, remote updating, and push notifications (for mobile apps), as well as cloud storage and hosting.

Think of developing an application without using a BaaS provider as directing a movie. A film director is responsible for overseeing or managing camera crews, lighting, set construction, wardrobe, actor casting, and the production schedule, in addition to actually filming and directing the scenes that will appear in the movie. Now imagine if there was a service that took care of all the behind-the-scenes activities so that all the director had to do was direct and shoot the scene. That’s the idea of BaaS: The vendor takes care of the ‘lights’ and the ‘camera’ (or, the server-side* functionalities) so that the director (the developer) can just focus on the ‘action’ – what the end user sees and experiences.

BaaS enables developers to focus on writing the frontend application code. Via APIs (which are a way for a program to make a request of another program) and SDKs (which are kits for building software) offered by the BaaS vendor, they are able to integrate all the backend functionality they need, without building the backend themselves. They also don’t have to manage servers, virtual machines, or containers to keep the application running. As a result, they can build and launch mobile applications and web applications (including single-page applications) more quickly.

What is AWS?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that includes a mixture of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and packaged software as a service (SaaS) offerings. AWS services can offer an organization tools such as compute power, database storage and content delivery services.

AWS launched in 2006 from the internal infrastructure that built to handle its online retail operations. AWS was one of the first companies to introduce a pay-as-you-go cloud computing model that scales to provide users with compute, storage or throughput as needed.

AWS offers many different tools and solutions for enterprises and software developers that can be used in data centers in up to 190 countries. Groups such as government agencies, education institutions, nonprofits and private organizations can use AWS services.

Does AWS have a Backend-as-a-Service?

Yes, AWS has a BaaS and the service’s name is AWS Amplify

AWS offers many services, and the one that is gaining momentum is AWS amplify. AWS Amplify is a full-suite collection of services specifically structured to ease the developing and launching capabilities of mobile and web app developers. 

AWS Amplify makes user experience convenient by unifying the UX across various platforms. It makes full-stack development easier with its scalability and gives users the flexibility to choose the platform they want to run the app on. Most importantly, it allows users to integrate a range of functions securely and quickly with the developed app. 

Now, let’s look into the features of AWS mobile backend service.

  • Authentication

AWS Amplify features a fully operated user directory and pre-designed multi-factor authorization workload to help developers create faultless onboarding flows. It also allows users to log in through various social media platforms. 

  • Security and Storage

AWS Amplify offers an easy and secured data storing option. App developers can securely sync information between various applications with the help of Amazon S3 and Amazon AppSync. Users are also allowed to synchronize easy offline procedures. 

  • Analytics

AWS Amplify allows developers to track web page metrics and user sessions for analytics. The service features an auto-tracking procedure to get access to real-time data and analyze it for gaining customer insight. Amplify supports building marketing strategies to drive customer retention and engagement. 

  • Storage

AWS Amplify manages and stores user-generated content, such as photos and videos on the cloud. All these functions are operated through a simple mechanism followed by the AWS Amplify storage module that manages user content and protects the storage buckets. 

Now, let’s look into the advantages of AWS Amplify.

  • UI-Driven

AWS Amplify supports UI-driven, fast, and easy approach to developing web and mobile applications. With this modern UI component, developers do not have to code any app and the CLI processes make the app development process easier, simplifying the workflows and speeding up the app development process. 

  • Usage-Based Payment

AWS Amplify offers a usage-based payment option. Users have the authority to choose from various services. The flexible and cost-efficient feature of AWS Amplify requires its users to pay only for the services they choose.

  • Start for Free

AWS Amplify requires its users to set up a paid tier only after they achieve an optimum number of technical requirements. 
