Flutter vs Native: When to Choose Flutter Over Native

Flutter vs native development: Which one to pick for your next project?

Flutter was created by Google around four years ago and has made steady progress through the market since its original inception. It’s a UI framework that aims to unify Android and iOS interface development using the same basic library of controls and a single codebase. It’s based on a language that was also developed by Google — Dart — which should feel very familiar to developers who have experience with JavaScript or similar languages.

It’s important to note that Flutter only covers the front end. How applications work behind the scenes is still up to developers, and the market offers different options for that. Flutter is meant to address a common annoyance encountered in mobile app development — the differences in how UI frameworks operate on Android and iOS. If developers use native tools, they have to adapt the app to the specific quirks of the native UI frameworks, even if they are working with a central mockup/design for both platforms.

What are native technologies?

Unlike cross-platform tools, native application development is application-specific to either Android or iOS. Native apps are coded in languages that are supported by the device’s OS vendor:

  • Android languages: Kotlin, Java. Development environment: Android Studio 
  • iOS languages: Swift, Objective-C. Development environment: Xcode 

As a rule, native apps do not have serious drawbacks, and their users can take full advantage of sophisticated features such as an accelerometer, camera, GPS, and others. Users can install native apps through major app stores such as Google Play and App Store.

At the same time, the development and support of native apps require significant investments. This is because you need two different development teams for two different platforms. And they have to adjust business logic, duplicate interface logic and layout to the features of each platform. 

With Flutter, you need  a single development team therefore the working process runs much easier and faster. Hence, low-budget Flutter is becoming more popular with hi-tech businesses, compared to native technologies, as illustrated by the figure below.

Which one to pick for your next project?

Flutter makes a strong case over native in more than one area.

Widgets everywhere

The ease of development mentioned above comes from using widgets, reusable components that build applications. From buttons to images and even text, everything is a widget. You can mix and match them easily to create any user interface you like.

Hot reload & hot restart

Flutter benefits from the features “hot reload” and “hot restart”, appreciated by developers for making the development process faster and easier. Hot reload allows you to see any changes in the UI instantly, reducing the waiting time between two changes. This means that a developer and a designer can sit side by side and try different layouts in real time.

Hot restart, on the other hand, destroys the current app state and rebuilds it to default. It allows you to check the business logic changes several times faster than on native platforms.

Consistent cross-platform UX

Flutter is a great choice for UI-heavy applications because it gives you control over every pixel displayed to the user. It enables a consistent user experience across different devices and platforms. You can also make your widgets look exactly as designed. When you don’t have to be concerned about platform abilities, the only limitations are your imagination and time.

Light & dark mode

Switching between dark and light mode can also be done painlessly. There is no need to create another widget just for the dark theme, you can use an existing one, set its theme to dark, and you’ll have it in dark mode.

Bug spotting

Bugs are actually another plus in Flutter. Since the code is shared, bugs are too. It might seem like a problem, but actually this means they occur more frequently and are therefore more noticeable. They can also be fixed with just one change for all platforms.

Extra testing

The write-once-run-anywhere aspect has implications in testing as well. You’re essentially writing one app, so the testing is more thorough because you do it twice.

The human factor

No technology makes sense without people. It’s people who come up with an idea for an application, it takes people to build it and people to use it.

Sometimes, during the application development process, the idea outgrows its original scope, and the team building the app grows with it. In large teams, communication is key, and if it doesn’t run smoothly, it impacts the project.

When developing the same application for Android and iOS, normally there’d be two separate teams. With Flutter, there is only one, which makes communication better, saves time on syncs between departments, and reduces the estimates for future features, leaving more room for application development. With only one mobile team, you also remove the risk of having different behaviors for the same use case appear on different platforms.

What Are Microservices? How outsourcing microservices helps to scale tech products

What Are Microservices?

Microservices are an architectural approach where an application is broken into smaller components that are loosely coupled and independently deployable. These independent components are called microservices and typically have the following features: 

  • They have their own tech stack, libraries, and dependencies.
  • Developers can work on them without involving the rest of the system.
  • They communicate with one another via REST APIs, event streaming, and message brokers.

The key reason why microservices are used over other architectures is that they make it easier for developers to build and scale apps. That’s how microservices came to be; they originated from the need for easier development when applications were growing bigger in size. 

Why do Microservices Matter?

Some of the key reasons why microservices matter to businesses is listed here –

  • Teams can be extra engaging and responsive to customer necessities

    Companies that espouse microservices legacy architecture can be empowered with the capability to expeditiously transfer skills and experience to customers in times of their need and not be constrained with definite release schedules.

  • There is an increased software team throughput

    Microservices developed on the propositions of DevOps and Agile provide succor to software teams to work in synchrony at the same time as iterating on discrete abilities post-haste.

  • Organizations make systems perform with better reliability and scalability

    An effective and gainful microservices architecture is an ongoing entity. It depends thoroughly on repetitive automation, endorses detailed scalability of services and puts patterns to use that is designated to maintain an uninterrupted system functioning even at the occurrence of failures of individual components.

How outsourcing microservices helps to scale tech products

Microservice-based architecture brings a lot to the table when it comes to application scalability. It’s highly versatile and flexible, which makes it perfect for developing products that require quick changes and new functionalities on the fly. It also gives the freedom to develop particular services and deploy them independently from each other and without changing the entire system. This means that different parts of the code can be developed using different technologies. That type of design approach results in a system that is more resilient to failures – if one unit goes down, it doesn’t take the entire system along with it.

Since microservices are highly scalable and extremally fault-tolerant, they naturally increase business agility. They allow an organization to focus more on business needs and product development rather than projects, as they can be thought of as a depiction of business functionalities. This type of approach is crucial when it comes to future-proofing a product. In today’s world, business needs – both technological needs and market demands – can change drastically very quickly. It is important to invest in an architecture that can meet these demands. Microservices are a viable solution that allow businesses to easily reshape parts of a system as needed.

Scaling up an existing system, especially moving it to V2, may be a challenge. Choosing the right architecture for the job is of key importance. For many companies, microservices check all the right boxes when it comes to system scaling. This should not be a surprise, since they allow for easy and rapid scalability thanks to unit-based autonomy and make development fast and hassle-free thanks to technology independence.
