12 Principles To Guarantee Project\’s Quality (Part 2)

In part one of this article, I told you about 6 Principles To Guarantee Project’s Quality. Here are 6 things left to create the perfect quality for a technology project.

7. Hold a kickoff meeting

As the first meeting between members of the project team and, potentially, the client or sponsor, the kick-off meeting is an excellent opportunity to establish expectations and create strong team morale.

Your kick-off is a time to introduce the team to the project, decide on teamwork, and set project goals and check-ins. You might want to outline how you’ll communicate, meet, and what could slow down the process (and how to avoid that).

Our typical project kick-off meeting agenda:

  • Team Roles – introduce team and what they will be responsible for.
  • Vision statement – like “For <customer>, the <project name> does / provides / solves <problem / solution statement>. Unlike <competitor / comparison point>, it will <differentiator>.”
  • Project Scope – You present the MVP features we need to deliver. It would be great to cover also a high-level epic journey: What user personas are involved? Where it fits in the user experience? NOTE: people will know the documentation you provided before the meeting.
  • Timeline and Metrics – Sponsor presents his point of view on Trade-off so we can make smaller decisions quickly and autonomously. Refer to the Trade-off Sliders play for full instructions.
  • Success factors (group session) – to engage people. Ask everyone to write down what they think will make this project a success. Have the team post up their ideas. Discuss how you could measure each one.
  • RAID (group session) – like the previous sessions, but focusing on risks.
    • Risks – things that could happen, and would affect the quality, timing or cost of the project (or a combination).
    • Assumptions – things that are currently true and form the basis for a plan, but any change in them would create risk or issue.
    • Issues – things that have already happened that adversely affect the project.
    • Dependencies – things that need to be done or provided, either once or regularly, to make the project a success.
  • Team communication plan – Here I will discuss how we will communicate – how often, in what form, etc.

8. Prepare and estimate the project requirements using Planning Poker

The project requirements have to be listed out and then estimated. Scrum and agile methodologies approaches require that you create a Product Backlog for this task. Once you have your list, you should leave the estimation to the people who will be working on those items. In Agile management, the estimation must be done by someone on the team to be considered valid.

Planning Poker ends up with assigning a score for each item on the list. Note that scores represent the amount of effort each item will require. They haven’t been attached to a timeline yet.

Planning Pocker estimating method brings multiple benefits for the project:

  • encourages team collaboration and team building
  • conversational style can provoke valuable insights from software development team who might not have a platform to discuss their opinions and experiences otherwise
  • requiring individuals to defend their predictions results in estimates that more adequately adjust for missing data
  • improves estimate accuracy, especially on items with a lot of uncertainty

9. Measure work progress using the definition of “done”

While Agile software development teams are defined as cross-functional, they come with some limits. For example, not every software development project will include a lawyer in their team.

The limited nature of cross-functional teams is used to gauge how much the team will deliver in each cycle. If something appears and it is outside the team’s knowledge, it will be done pre-work or at the end of the cycle or even concurrently with the development team.

To obtain a better understanding of this work you can create an organization-wide value stream map for project delivery. By creating this map, you will find out the amount of time spent on each type of work. If you take out the work that has to be done by the Agile team, you will obtain a clear image of the work that needs to be done outside the team.

The amount of work found in the value stream map is a good start for setting up the budget based on the project’s cycle labor costs.

10. Do risk assessments regularly

Every project comes with risks. Risks are problems that may arise over the course of project development. Project management has the task of identifying and reducing risk beginning at the project planning phase. We recommend you plan a meeting to discuss this or simply ask all the team members about what risks may arise.

When considering risks, you should look into these areas:

  • Project Scope
  • Resources (staff, financial, and physical)
  • Project delays
  • Failures of Technology or Communication

Complete control over all potential risks is impossible, so you should focus on considering them early on to avoid project failure.

Here’s an example of the technical risk management plan:

11. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Agile manifesto encourages developers to communicate better by putting team collaboration. When using agile model, the team members work closely with the stakeholders, resulting in improved decision making, and better customer satisfaction. Using task management software can help increase efficiency.

Keep in mind that agile methodology needs solid communication between the client and the offshore development team to achieve project goals and ensure proper software delivery.

Honesty is important in this relationship. Because of some cultural differences, a common situation is that software developers avoid speaking their minds for fear of upsetting the client. Sometimes misunderstandings can appear, caused by filling the knowledge gaps with wrong information.

Frequent team visits and other team building activities are a great addition, but communication tools, outsourcing vendor company culture and business processes guarantee outsourcing model success.

The point is that there’s nothing such as over-communication in agile software development. To set the project for a great result, we recommend setting up as many communication channels as you can.

Communication In Agile

Outsourcing vendor appoints at least one member in their team who speaks fluently in the client’s native language to represent the client accurately. This person’s role usually falls into the categories of Engineering Lead or a certified Scrum professional. You should consider an individual that can hold this responsibility, and it’s known to be reliable.

On the other side, clients have to name a dedicated representative, that is very familiar with the knowledge and can communicate efficiently with the offshore development team.

Poor Communication Strategy

The client’s representative is usually authorized to accept changes or approve work.

12. Continually seek excellence

12 Principles To Guarantee Project\’s Quality (Part 1)

When you implement agile outsourcing it might appear incompatible to merge agile processes and outsourcing. The agile techniques, with its emphasis on collaboration, frequently contrasts with the traditional outsourcing paradigm, which necessitates contracting with providers whose employees are educated primarily to follow direction rather than collaborate.

By mixing in-house and vendor teams you can still implement agile methodology while continuing to outsource and have benefits such as lower fixed costs and increased access to desirable skill sets. The key to success with agile outsourcing is to get a partner that can handle the dynamics of validated learning smoothly with a solid software development process, both on the software design and engineering side.

1. Guide your product vision with validated learning

In the beginning, you should focus on defining the goals, business value, and success criteria of your project. By doing this you gain a clear image of your intentions and ideal endpoint. You need straightforward goals to be able to create a realistic plan to accomplish them and achieve client’s long term success.

Our advice for creating a solid plan for your project is to look at the bigger picture. These next questions can help you do that:

  • Are you addressing a specific problem? Can you define the problem?
  • What is the end goal?
  • Which team members will be essential for this project?

After you finished outlining your goals you can follow these steps to plan the delivery:

  • Agree on the necessary features
  • Establish the amount of work your team needs to complete for every sprint
  • Include interactions and stories until you reach maximum capacity
  • Show your plan and gather opinions and feedback on it

Learning is the key ingredient for a successful agile software development project. You have to adopt hypothesis-driven experimentation, iterative product releases, and validated learning.

If you aim to improve your software development process, you need to take into account learning, especially when you bring the lean aspect into it. Build vision pivots. While software developers are not a fan of them, they can’t be missing if you want a successful project. In the case of wrong-produced hypotheses, they can be changed immediately.

2. ​​Identify all stakeholders (and involve them in the process)

Every project has multiple stakeholders, and you can’t expect all of them to be participating in every detail of the project. When we say project stakeholders:

  • company leadership
  • end-users
  • customers

Outsourced projects can differ in nature, so sometimes, you can expect stakeholders outside organizations or even individuals that will use or be directly affected by the final product. Let’s see why you have to involve stakeholders in the agile development process:

  • stakeholders can provide valuable expertise regarding processes, historical information, or even industry insight.
  • by engaging your stakeholders, you will reduce risks and uncover them faster
  • early users enable your team to evaluate the project outcomes sooner
  • engaging and involving stakeholders regularly from the beginning will lead to a higher chance of a positive project conclusion

3. Manage project scope, budget, and timeline in each iteration

Scope, budget, and timeline are at the heart of project management. We highly recommended to start agile software development project with:

1. Approximate estimations based on your goals 

You will obtain an initial figure that will represent the total estimated cost for the project. This estimation is built on information from the sponsor regarding the expectations and requirements for the product. Here we have to include target users, purpose, and what issue or problem it is intended to solve.

2. Product discovery workshop 

This event should mark the start of every project. In this event, you have to gather the whole development team, including scrum masters and project owners, and review the business idea and the details of the future product. By doing this, the team can better identify the required work and budget.

The main discussion points in these workshops are:

  • The goal of the product and the business idea behind it
  • User stories
  • The product’s maturity
  • Possible solutions
  • Risks associated with the project
  • Choices regarding technology

The agile approach makes budget management is a shared responsibility. The Product Owner manages the backlog, the sponsor agrees on the budget, and the team delivers the backlog and spends or manages the sprint budget within agreed constraints.

The final step consists of planning a timeline of the stages you will go throughout the project. You have to break down the tasks that must be completed and connect them to your budget and team to obtain an initial estimate of the project timeline.

Even after completing all these steps, you will still be confronted with a high uncertainty level, which is typical for software development. We advise you to allocate extra time to complete the tasks or bring a project manager to guarantee that project progresses fast enough to meet deadlines.

In agile model, the scope, budget, and timeline are under constant pressure from new discoveries from users’ and customers’ feedback. That’s why it’s very important to establish a product discovery team. Rember that your goal is working software!

4. Establish a product discovery team

Proper, ongoing requirements analysis and planning are critical to software development. As a result, changing prediction techniques is difficult because the development process follows the plan to a tee.

Agile software development, on the other hand, necessitates the capacity to make changes quickly. At any point during the development process, changes can be made. This requires you to be always ready to act based on new deliverables and quickly update design and requirements.

This design team needs to be constantly validating project deliverables. The reason for this is simple: in case something goes wrong, they can quickly pinpoint where it went wrong.

Sometimes change is inevitable so this means your team needs to plan a process to manage scope change, so the project doesn’t suffer later. Your project needs a strong foundation to prevent any unplanned changes in project scope, timeline, or budget.

5. Bring Experienced Engineering Leader

Building an engineering team starts with a high-performing leader, who brings in technical capabilities and chooses necessary technology talent to accomplish the work. A strong leader can advise clients, managed remote teams, and protects you from poor team coordination, and quality assurance issues.

Finding the right Engineering Leader with both technology competency and who can advice customer in agile projects can prove to be a real challenge. But you do have the option of hiring somebody with experience in your domain, and with many projects under his belt is essential.

Outsourcing software development services will spare you from doing the effort of searching, interviewing and hiring, and provide you with an ideal team picked according to your needs.

At SoftKraft we are true software partner and we have dedicated development tracks to ensure talent pool for Engineering Leader position. Our Engineering Leaders not only to handle the technology, and team, but also work towards client’s long term success on all levels. For example, they are capable of joining your design team and contributing to the product development process.

The 5 most popular programming languages in 2022

Have you ever wonder, which is the best programming language to learn and use in 2022? Should it be the language that you are already familiar with, or should it be an additional language adding to your tech stack in order to lead you to a higher paid job?

That is actually not a simple question to answer. Right now, some programming languages are becoming so popular and saturated in the market, while the others are more trending but does not known by business employers. 

Choosing programming language to learn also depends on what you planning for your career. If you are planning to become a backend web developer, you must know about SQL, JavaScript or Python, or if you are planning to become a mobile developer, Dart, Java or Swift is the right choice for you. Here are some current trending programming languages for 2022:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Java
  • Go
  • TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Ruby
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
If you want to know more and specifically about backend develop, take a look at out blog about backend programming language
Stack Overflow survey - Most commonly used programming languages

You can go straight ahead to the Stack Overflow site to view this survey.

Below are some suggestions, views and thought about those programming languages, with that, you can choose the right “tool” for yourself.

The 5 most popular and trending programming languages in 2022

1. JavaScript

Base on Stack Overflow (a popular forum website for developer) survey in 2020, JavaScript has an 8-year-in-a-row be the most popular language in the market, that’s why it’s also stay on top of our list. Nearly 70% people who participate in the survey said that they have used this language in the past year. Along side with HTML and CSS, JavaScript are becoming a mandatory component for web frontend develop. Almost every website nowadays, including the big ones like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and YouTube, are based on JavaScript to deliver contents and services to their users.

Although born as a frontend language, JavaScript is now can also be used on the server side as a backend one. This creates a runtime environment on the backend server call the Node.js, which helps developers with building web application. Node.js is compatible with almost every OS like Linux, SunOS, Mac OS X and Windows. Moreover, this language has a dynamic syntax, easy to use and work on every browser, really friendly for the newbie. 

2. Python

As of 2022, Python is definitely the best programming language to learn. It topped the list of popularity ratings recently. Everyone who didn’t know it seemed to want to join.

Despite the popularity and sheer number of people with Python skills, it’s a language that many job providers are asking for and paying pretty well.

So what makes Python the thriving language it is now? Although it’s been around since 1991, Python has made a recent comeback and here’s why:

  • It’s easy to write so it’s easy to learn. The readable syntax means you no longer have the headache of looking at your code.
  • At the same time, it is both powerful and extremely versatile. Python can do almost anything. You can use it to write apps, break into high paying tech industries like machine learning or even in web development. And it’s all possible through a wide range of frameworks and libraries, from Django to TensorFlow and to NumPy.
  • The evolution of Python as a language has been amazing and it shows no signs of stopping. This means more jobs, courses, libraries and resources are available to you.

The problem is that Python has been popular for so long that it can easily become oversaturated. The flexibility of the languages ​​alleviates that somewhat, but it’s still something worth reconsidering.

3. Java

The list would be so inaccurate if there aren’t any place for Java. No matter how ancient it may be, job recruiters still can’t seem to get enough.

Java is one of the most powerful programming languages ​​available today, used on more than 15 billion trending technology devices, desktop applications, mobile applications, web development, artificial intelligence. , cloud applications… So, if studying and succeeding in this technology, learners can have very high salaries, good development opportunities and be recognized globally.

Java has some outstanding features such as platform independence, object-oriented programming, enhanced productivity, performance and security, the most secure in terms of security. Many companies are working on Java including Amazon, Adobe, Flipkartv, Instagram…

In addition, if you are already familiar with Java, you can continue with Scala – a language that combines the best features of Java such as object-oriented structure or JVM high-speed environment.

4. Go

Well, here we Go.

Go, aka Golang, is a language favored by Google. It is also one of the best choices for beginners and one of the easiest programming languages ​​to learn. Released in 2012, it is relatively new, so there are still many developers interested in accessing it.

Go is more akin to C-based languages ​​than Python. One of its main uses is developing systems like servers and networking, although you can also use it to create apps or anything else.

As a new language, it may be easier for you to get a job without competing or having more experience. It will also help with your resume, especially coming from Google and many other companies.

5. TypeScript

What is TypeScript? – As a language given to us by Microsoft for free, the foundation of TypeScript is more or less related to JavaScript because it is an open source JavaScript language. TypeScript’s role is to design and build complex large-scale application projects. 

Different from the simplicity of JavaScript, although TypeScript also inherits many definitions and concepts from various languages like C#, Java, etc., but TypeScript has high requirements for clear order. 

TypeScript is considered a more advanced version of JavaScript because it is designed to add more convenient functions, improve on the weaknesses of JavaScript such as object-oriented classes and Static Structural typing, besides TypeScript also can work widely for applications of Angular2 and Nodejs languages.


Why need a long, and meaning-less conclusion when you can just jump right in to 1 of the above and deep dive into it.

All of the above programming languages are mainstream in the tech industry and have a pretty good trending, making it continue to grow and create jobs. That means that when you choose any one of the above languages, it will sure have a pretty good prospect with that choice.

Okay, that’s it all, see you in other blog.
